Latest News and Events

There is plenty going on and we want to keep you up to date with all our news and events! Please see the feed of articles below to view our recent news and see what's on at DBC. 

 January 2025 


              Happy New Year 2025

Welcome to 2025!  As we enter a New Year here is the latest news and events that are coming up.

In January we start a new preaching series - The Hebrew Names of God interspersed with lessons from the life of Peter.

Services begin at 10.30am every Sunday and are also live streamed on the church You Tube channel.

Sunday 5th January at 10.30am
"Elohim - the mighty one"
Preacher: Geoff Davenport.  Reading: Isaiah 40:18-31.The service will include communion.

Sunday 12th January at 10.30am
"Yahweh - I AM"
Preacher: Graeme Clark. Reading: Exodus 3:1-15.  All age service

Sunday 19th January at 10.30am
"Peter - the call"
Preacher: Roger Mortlock. Reading: Mark 1:13-19

Sunday 25th January at 10.30am
"El Shaddai - God Almighty"
Preacher: Jem Trehern. Reading: Genesis 17:1-8

                                                Church Meeting Jan 25


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Sunday 5th January at 7.30pm
Intercessory Prayer & Prophecy

Sunday 19th January at 7.30pm
Encounter with God

Online prayer every Monday at 7.30am and Friday at 9.30pm - Zoom link here
In person prayer Wednesday at 12.30pm

Please take a few minutes to complete this anonymous online survey created by Nicky.  Nicky says:

"As you know I have been leading prayer meetings on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at various times.  I would appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to answer some questions about these meetings.  The questionnaire is anonymous and will help me determine if there is interest in the current timings or if I need to consider changing the days and times."

The latest CAP (Christians' Against Poverty Telford) Prayer letter can be downloaded here.


Men's Breakfast 010225

DBC Tech Team

Every week a team of people work behind the scenes to make sure you can hear and see everything on a Sunday.  And their ministry stretches beyond the church building with the live streaming of every service.  However, the team is very small and we need some new members.  

Now I know, mention tech and you might break out in a cold sweat and say this is not for me!  However, I can assure you that you don't need to have lots of tech knowledge.  I am definitely not a techie, but thanks to the support and training I have received (which will be available to you too) all is well.  So if you are interested in finding out more please talk to me as as soon as you can so that we can carry on this important ministry.



The Westbrook Room and Kitchen can now be used subject to the revised risk assessment.  If you have any questions about this please talk to Geoff.


Dates for your diary

Monday 6th January - Trustees Meeting at 7pm
Sunday 12th January - Church Meeting at 1pm
Monday 3rd February - Trustees Meeting at 7pm
Sunday 2nd March - AGM followed by Church Meeting at 1pm


If you have anything that you would like added to this page please send the details and any pictures by email to the admin team at



There are no upcoming events in this month.
Saturday 11th January
Saturday 18th January