Small Groups

Let's talk about small groups.
Small groups are people getting together to share each other's company and take part in activities they find interesting and fun. There are a number of small groups that take place either at DBC, around people's homes, in pubs and well, wherever people want to get together.
We have a number of small groups located in and around the area. All you have to do to join is talk to us! We can put you in touch with the small group leader who will be more than happy to invite you along to their group. Go along and try it out!
Here are some of the great small groups already established, perhaps one of these will take your fancy, and if not then why not think about starting your own. If you need help setting something up or promoting a community group then why not contact us and see how we can help.
Weekly Groups...
10am - 12pm Art Class & Chat - Spend a couple of hours doing some art with a cuppa and a chance to chat. Sessions cost £3 and are held weekly (except Bank Holidays).
10am - Sutton Hill House group - **NEW DAY** a time to explore and discuss the Christian perspective on modern day life
1.45pm - Tuesday Fellowship. A more traditional worship with a chance for a chat, a hot drink and a biscuit or two after the service.
7.30pm - Dawley Bank House group - a time to explore and discuss the Christian perspective on modern day life
10am - 12pm - Tai Chi & Chat - Enjoy an hour of gentle exercise followed by a cuppa and a chance to chat. Sessions cost £3 and are held weekly.
7.30pm - Apley House group - a time to explore and discuss the Christian perspective on modern day life
7.30 pm - Bible Study - a chance to look at scripture and make new friends while we all share our thoughts on life and faith.
11.30am - Bank Top Café - *CLOSED* We are currently unable to hold the cafe due to damage to our buildings following an accident in November. We hope to be able to re-open once building work has been completed (by Easter 2025). This community "café" is always popular. Working on a donation system it not only offers a great 2 course dinner to all, but a place for people to socialise and be with others. There's often a quiz or a game of bingo too.
5.30pm - Girls' Brigade. Helping younger people build life skills and having a fun time doing it. GB meets at DBC from 5.30pm from primary school age until 7pm, and secondary school ages can stay until 8pm.
Other Groups...
Social groups. Every now and again it's good to let your hair down. To get together with friends and friends we're yet to meet with no purpose other than having fun together.
Music and worship teams. Do you enjoy playing and would like to get together with others who do? DBC has an active selection of musicians. There's lots of experience here and DBC is always available for those wanting somewhere to practice their gifts.
Prayer meetings. DBC hold regular prayer meetings where we get together to think about the community and ask God to be present in our lives and the lives of those around us.
Nothing to grab you?
Then why not set something up that does? If you need help organising an event, promoting a community group or if you don't know where to start then why not
contact us to see how we can help.