World Mission

At Dawley Baptist Church we not only care for our local community in Telford, but for our community throughout the world. That's why we partner with the Baptist Missionary Society (BMS) in the equipping and supporting Missionaries working throughout the world.
BMS works among some of the most marginalised and least evangelised people, in some of the most fragile places on earth. They aim to bring life in all its fullness through seven key ministries: church, development, education, health, justice, leadership and relief.
DBC directly supports three missionary families.
Andy and Jenny Saunders in Nepal
Andy and Jenny Saunders are serving with BMS World Mission in Kathmandu, Nepal. Jenny is researching counselling supervision and helps the Elijah Counselling and Training Centre to develop its counselling work. Andy helps to train Nepali church leaders at The Nepal Baptist Bible College where he teaches mostly Old Testament. Andy was previously the minister at Hope Baptist Church in Plymouth for 18 years and Jenny was a counsellor with the NHS working in GP surgeries. They have two grown-up children living in the UK. Their home church is Hope Baptist Church, Plymouth.
Find out more at here
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Jon and Elise Fletcher in Thailand
The Fletcher family joined United Neighbours Of Hope Bangkok in October 2014 following a call to relocate and live alongside some of the poorest families in the City. Since then, they have been putting down roots in Klong Toey slum, learning the language and culture whilst making their home with over 100,000 people crammed into less than 2km squared. Life in this thriving community is always an adventure that is lived out by engaging with neighbours day to day.
Jon and Elise have encountered Jesus in the kindness of others here and long to see hearts transformed by the Gospel. They see spiritual awareness all around them, and desire for the heart of the Thai people to be released from the fear that drives their religion. Jon serves the team and neighbours with his medical skills, as well as doing general odd-jobs to make a practical difference. Elise helps to manage the Fair-trade jewellery project that provides work for some of their neighbours (
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Timothy and Lisa in Guinea
Timothy and Lisa met on a BMS placement in Uganda in 2008. Timothy has a Master’s degree in International Development from Birkbeck University, London and Lisa completed her MSc in Development Studies at SOAS University of London. Using these diverse skills Lisa is teaching English and managing local development activities in the area for BMS, while Timothy supports various microfinance groups in the area. Did you know that being a Christian in Guinea is very dangerous and as such missionaries must use aliases and hide their real names and identities. You can follow Lisa and Timothy as well as other great work done in Guinea through the BMS website.
Find out more here
Does missionary work with BMS sound like something you'd be interested in? You can find out more through the BMS website or contact us.
If you'd like to give to support the wonderful job both these and other missionaries are doing then follow this link.