DBC and Covid-19 

After seeking the mind of Christ and considering the current government and BUGB advice, DBC is making the following changes to its regular patterns. This may change as the current situation remains fluid, but any changes will be updated as they need to occur.
Jesus said, "May my followers be one so that the world believes that the Father has sent me." (John 17) 
The following midweek groups have been cancelled. This includes Monday game group, Tuesday fellowship, Bubbles, Wednesday study Thursday Bible explored and Girls’ Brigade. It is important that during this time of isolation we do not become isolated from each other. We strongly encourage groups to explore alternative ways of meeting such as through technological channels (sorry Geoff), and to exchange phone numbers to ensure we are caring for each other.
May our unity and compassion through the face of adversity shine as a light on a hill to the world around us.
"For I was hungry and you gave me food, thirsty and gave me something to drink." (Matthew 25)
Friday cafe will continue to operate; with the current food shortages and closure of key facilities such as Dawley Dinner club and Dawley Food Bank, we feel that it is essential to offer food to those who have need. Cafe will deliver food to people isolating in their homes. If you need a food delivery or can volunteer to deliver food then please get in touch. The strictest health and safety measures will be taken throughout food preparation and service. If you are showing even slight symptoms of illness we ask that you do not come to cafe but let cafe come to you.
We are called to reach the marginalised, fight for the orphan and to help those in the deepest of need.
"For life is more than food and the body more than clothing" Do not worry. (Luke 12)
Sunday services will change. We feel that it is important to offer hope in times of worry and doubt, and we can rest on nothing more secure than the Word of God. In consultation with our fellow churches in central Telford we have decided that an ecumenical service will be live streamed from DBC at 1030 every Sunday. Rotas are suspended and the service will involve a time of worship and praise followed by a message, reading and prayers. The service will be shared with other church leaders and live streamed through the DBC Facebook page. Audio recordings of the sermon will also be available in mp3 format and as well as being posted on the website, can also be given on a CD to those without internet access. If you would like to use the CD facility we are offering, then get in touch. If you can help deliver and produce these CDs then please also let us know.
Your God is in control. There is not a single flower that dies or wind that blows that He has not ordered to do so.
"Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you." 2 Cor 13
Pastoral care: Ian and Tom are providing pastoral care throughout this period. Ian will be free to meet with those who show no symptoms and signs of infection and it is important that he remains as safe as possible for other church outreach activities and community assistance to continue. If you have contracted Covid-19 then Tom is available to visit for conversation, prayer, laying on of healing hands and the receiving of communion; illness does not mean separation from the body of Christ. We trust in the protection, healing and ultimate authority of God the Father through the redemptive work of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.
We encourage everybody to pray earnestly for the restoration of the world, the protection of the vulnerable and the safety of neighbour both near and far. If you feel that you can do nothing, you can do all through prayer.
Above all please look for opportunities to serve those needier than you in the community around you. This is an opportunity for every Christian to shine the light of Christ into the darkness around them. God uses all things for his benefit and for the furthering of His mighty Kingdom on earth. 
Remember: You are the hands and feet of Christ. Go out in safety, go out in courage. 

Tom Bowring, 18/03/2020